UCLan - Remote & Hybrid Working Principles for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs)

Regulated professional role The AMHP survey received 258 completed returns. Regulated professional role We received survey responses from 247 social workers (95.74%), 10 nurses (3.87%), 1 occupational therapist (0.39%) and no clinical psychologists. This is in line with the national demographic which is 95% social work, 4% nursing and 1% occupational therapy (Skills for Care, 2021). All were based in England apart from one who identi fi ed that they were based in Wales. The declared gender for AMHPs was 55% female (142), 24% male (62) and 21% (54) did not share this information. From those who reported their gender, this would Gender % Reporting diagram 55 Female, 24 Male, 21 Not reported. equate to 70% female and 30% male. The national representation is 73% female and 27% male making this survey generally representative of the AMHP population nationally (Skills for Care, 2021). AMHP: What is your ethnicity (% responses). White 70.2, Not reported 21.4, British 2.8, Other ethnic group 0.8, Black/African/Caribbean/Black British 2.4, Asian/Asian British 1.6, Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups 0.8. 70% described their ethnicity as white, 2.8% Asian/Asian British, 2.4% Black/African/Caribbean/Black British, 21% did not declare their ethnicity and the rest were from mixed/multi-ethnic backgrounds or other ethnic groups. According to national data, 79% of AMHPs are white and 21% from racialised communities (Black, Asian, mixed or minority ethnic backgrounds) (Skills for Care, 2021). This data is not disaggregated further. Re-imagining Good Work Remote & Hybrid Working principles for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) 1 Approved Mental Health Professionals: Findings from the survey Re-imagining Good Work: Remote & Hybrid Working Principles for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) Remote & Hybrid Working Principles Understand Flexibility Foster Relationships Prioritise Health & Wellbeing Support Development & Training Understand Employee Voice Be Aware of Digital Presenteeism